Monday, August 24, 2020

Project Management Industry

Task the executives alludes to the expertise of arranging instruments of a plan. This craft of order can apply in beginning of a novel assistance, in development of another produce just as in advancement of battle (Albert, 2004). Regularly, a venture isn't a piece of a business activity but instead it is formed once and it is exact just as fleeting. The venture is portrayed by; containing a start just as an end, having budgetary help limits and furthermore utilizing assets regarding time, cash or materials.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Project Management Industry explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More In a business industry whatever task embraced seeks after a comparable sort of model that includes Defining the undertaking this is the place the task executive depicts the sort of a plan it is just as the points of the clients in leaving on the kind of task. The chief should be well outfitted with the venture in order to give an away from of what i s normal by those endeavor the task that is, being in a situation to list the express arrangement of activities (Bernhard, 2000). Arranging the undertaking this is a stage whereby the director records all the assignments, the term every movement is required to take just as how the exercises are related. This is likewise the phase where the chief should characterize unmistakably the time required for each action, the quantity of individuals that will be engaged with the venture, the costs of the task just as additional necessities expected to finish the undertaking. Timetables and financial plans are likewise a portion of the pivotal components that the administrator put into thought for an effective venture. Executing the undertaking at this level the chief is familiar with all that is required for the task that is, the quantity of assets just as the measure of spending he will work with to the consummation of the venture. Coordinating the undertaking †this is where the executi ve takes the charge of educating on the plan techniques with a point of uncovering the unequivocal length that have slipped by for each errand (Bjarne, 2007). End of venture this is where the official and the proprietor of the business draw together the individuals who have enthusiasm for the final products of the business and the group to investigate the conclusive outcomes of the task. In every single venture the board, there are three factors that are pivotal and are typically alluded to as the segments of an undertaking the executives. These involve; the degree, time just as cash (Dennis, 2010). In an administration conspire the three segments are identified with one another and a decrease in both of them will wind up in an effect on the rest. In business industry, time is one of the central point that decide the results of the business. This along these lines calls for appropriate administration of time to guarantee accomplishment of the venture or the business itself. The busi ness should have a period cognizant council to guarantee that the set assignments are cultivated inside the booked time (Kerzner, 2003). In a venture, time is a significant determinant of the different assignments a given industry can achieve over a given term and the number is reliant on the capacity of the board worried about time the board being in juxtaposition to design and guaranteeing that the set time for specific exercises isn't squandered. Time the executives alludes to the methodology of getting ready for the amount of time utilized in a specific movement. Time the board is finished with a point of amplifying productivity, yield just as ability (Harrison, 2004). The executives of time might be bolstered by an arrangement of instruments, capacities just as the techniques used in controlling time while accomplishing unequivocal destinations and furthermore the different undertakings in the business as per the focused on dates. In each undertaking time factor is the signific ant determinant of the accomplishment of objectives set for a particular venture. It is in this way critical that the business targeting doing a given task should concoct an advisory group that is time conscious.Advertising Looking for report on venture the executives? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is one method of guaranteeing that all the exercises that are related with the venture, are performed at the ideal time, consequently all the procedures will have been done in a consecutive way without different exercises being postponed. In an industry where time is given a high need the organization will be in a situation to run easily just as pr less time will be used in a solitary task in this manner guaranteeing accomplishment in the business. Task the executives programming alludes to any product goals that allows a gathering of individuals to trail a plan from the earliest starting point (Steinle, 1995). This sort o f programming as a rule supplies the executives of ventures with an unmistakable access spot to information. In a business area, greater part of the product items utilized in the administration of time bears various clients. Programming likewise permits a person to offer undertakings to other people who utilize that sort of comparable information just as utilizing that specific programming for correspondence. A given undertaking in business the utilization of programming is one of the progressions in the field of business as this guide in upgrading the exercises that occur in the part. Undertaking the executives programming is at present available as both cloud-based and furthermore as self-facilitated goals. The procedure of programming progression is chiefly related programming improvement creation viewpoints contrary to specialized perspectives that include programming devices (Stellman Greene 2005). Greater part of programming progression forms ordinarily are in juxtaposition to be run along these lines to the plan association process that is general. In any business hazard the board is alluded to the procedure by which a hazard is surveyed just as the advancement of explicit plans planned for dealing with the dangers. The procedures for the most part are made accessible to improve the administration of programming movement. In venture the board, Software design is the viewed as the way toward recognizing just as depicting the extent of the undertaking the executives. Taking everything into account, it is significant for any industry to plan its points just as the undertakings it intends to accomplish. This along these lines should have a board of trustees that is well gifted with the correct method of playing out the procedure from the earliest starting point as far as possible of the venture (Lewis, 2000).Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Project Management Industry explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The undertaking ought to be planned for making benefit to the business and thusly the different segments of task the executives are significant for the business to achieve its objectives. The different programming in time the board are likewise essential part in the business as it offers the executives with a chance to interface with other people who are keen on that sort of a venture. References Albert, H 2004, Handbook of Project Management Procedures. TTL Publishing, Ltd, Henderson. Becker, J, Kugeler, M, Rosemann, M 1995, Process the board: a guide for the plan of business forms. Springer, New Mexico. Bernhard, A 2000, Association for Project Management, Douglas McIntyre Ltd, Vancouver. Bjarne, K, 2007, Project Management„ â€. Hypothesis and practice, Talbot Adair Press, London. Dennis, 2010, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, Talbot Adair Press, Guildford, UK. Harrison FL Lock, D 2004, Advanced task the executives: an organized approach„. Gower Publishing, Ltd, Farnham.Advertising Searching for report on venture the board? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Kerzner, H 2003, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Lewis, JP 2000, The venture manager’s work area reference: a complete manual for venture arranging, planning, assessment, and frameworks, Free Press, New York. Stellman, A Greene, J 2005. Applied Software Project Management, McGraw-Hill Press, New York. This report on Project Management Industry was composed and presented by client Kas0n to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business procedure - Assignment Example Assessment of various strategies for Leeds University Growth in the business is an intricate and diverse perspective however is a profoundly wanted wonder for the associations consistently. Business development stands interchangeable to business result, which implies the accomplishment of business objectives, expanding the quantity of workers, improving the estimation of the business identified with the partners and upgrading the benefit or the deals of the business. New pursuits or procedures comprise of procedures that are identified with the abilities and assets of the association (Kariv 477). The University of Leeds is positioned as the second biggest college of United Kingdom (UK). This college is a huge player in the advanced education of UK and has manufactured its notoriety based on quality, volume and expansiveness of research and training alongside its different arrangement of research greatness. The college has actualized different systems so as to coordinate training, gra nt and world-class inquire about so as to make sure about a situation among the best 50 colleges on the planet. Through these means, they expect to make an effect on the worldwide society. Alongside accomplishing scholastic greatness, the association likewise means to frame a productive, powerful and reasonable association that would advance a solid working environment, normalized forms and feasible condition. Monetary steadiness and evaluation of the college staff is likewise given equivalent significance in their system (University of Leeds â€Å"Strategy Map.†). In this manner, it very well may be seen that for achieving the world class position, the college has encircled systems identified with their business, yet has likewise utilized assets that will be liable for conveying the outcomes. In this manner, the methodology will prompt generous development. 2. Grounds dependent on which reasonable future system are picked for Leeds University To settle on a methodology, the supervisors dedicate extensive measure of vitality and manners of thinking on considering and reevaluating the future and the current situation of the association. Making a procedure is exceptionally subject to the situation examination and appraisal of the business openings. System scope assumes a significant job in this specific circumstance. The University of Leeds is working in a quickly changing business condition where it requires tending to the extension which presents them with a chance. The extensions that the college requires to address are item or administration scope, clients scope, geographic degree and the partner scope (Fahey and Randall 23-28). Right off the bat, for University of Leeds to situate itself among the main 50 colleges, the item and administrations that they offer assumes a critical job. The item and administrations that is instruction ought to be all things considered, that it creates extraordinary researchers and graduates. Subsequently, the essential s potlight ought to be on techniques to improve the item to improve it. Also, in the event of the client scope that is the understudies, the college ought to convey their training in such manners that top notch understudies are created who thusly will affect the worldwide society. Thirdly, geographic extension is a significant parameter for the achievement of the college. So as to make an effect on the worldwide front, internationalization of the college is significant. This requires extension of its geographic cutoff points. In conclusion, expansion of stakeholder’s worth and living up to their desires are critical for maintainability of the organizati

Friday, July 17, 2020

How to tackle The DBMS Assignment Top 5 DBMS assignment ideas.?

How to tackle The DBMS Assignment Top 5 DBMS assignment ideas.? Today, we are going to share the proven tips on how to tackle the DBMS assignment with ease. Here we go:- DBMS is one of an essential part of every computer software. Which is used to manage, or delete data for any particular Software? So, it is necessary for every computer science student to learn DBMS. Meanwhile, you can take the best DBMS assignment help from our experts. DBMS systematically provides programmers to create, update, and manage data. Besides, the DBMS software system that facilitates the creation of the construction process. In contrast, It manipulates and shares the database between different users and applications. What is Database Management System? Summary What is Database Management System?Some DBMS examples are:How to make DBMS Assignment Effective or Attractive:Tips on How to Tackle The DBMS assignment:How to Make a database system fast?Database Management Languages:Uses Of Database:WHAT DO WE PROVIDE?Your databases homework/ Assignments students encountered and how we can help- The database is a structured, organized set of data. The database specifies the software used to store and organize the data. Firstly, Think of it as a file cabinet, where you are store data in different classes. When you need a specific file, you see that particular volume (table). And you get the file (data) you need. Some DBMS examples are: MySQLSQL ServerOracledBASEFoxPro How to make DBMS Assignment Effective or Attractive: Everyone put a lot of efforts to get good marks in their DBMS assignments. Hope you can follow the experts advice. Effective Database PlanningChoosing the best Database DesignChoose A Database TypeOptimize for SpeedKeep the Database on Its Own Server Tips on How to Tackle The DBMS assignment: Below are some topics which can help you to create an attractive DBMS Assignment. If you have lack of time hire our database assignment help. DBMS assignment help Recognizing the purpose of setting up the databaseRecognizing all the info that needs to be stored as per the definitions/ requirementsThe format (i.e. tabular, object-oriented) and primary key recognition for database structuringDesigning the relationship between the various data structures/ tables/ format or cells How to Make a database system fast? Whenever the engineers make changes or increase the database for any system software. The most challenging part for them is to speed improvement. If we create a unique database system for software. But the speed is slower. Then there is no benefit of performing that database. Because, in the computing world, speed values the most. There are some topics below those can help you to increase the speed of your database system. Make sure all of your tables have primary keys. Optimize by adding secondary indexes.Be like an atom and split.Use Compact and Repair.Load only what you need. Database Management Languages: There are various types of languages for data manipulation. If you are facing trouble in Database. Then avail the best database assignment help. DDL stands for Data Definition Language. DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. DCL stands for Data Control Language. TCL stands for Transaction Control Language. Uses Of Database: Database management systems are using for many purposes: Database DevelopmentInterrogationDatabase MaintenanceApplication Development WHAT DO WE PROVIDE? We are providing complete support in database understanding, database assignment help, and homework help. 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Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Clash Of Two Great Minds Essay - 1447 Words

The clash of two great minds has long been the struggle, Alexander Hamilton vs Aaron Burr, Stalin vs. Trotsky Michelangelo vs. Da Vinci and of course Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B Du bois. Although both different ideologies, they were both trying to reach the same goal, equality. Although Washington was more economics based and Dubois was more ideology based they both wanted the same outcome, however Dubois approach seems more practical but both have successes and failures, and can be learned from today. The main argument of Booker T. Washington is that he wanted more of an economic approach to equality. In the article published by the Atlantic called â€Å"Black History, American History,† it says that, â€Å"if students learned useful trades while in school, he suggested, they would feel confident that they had something to offer and could therefore lay claim to a position in the social structure.† This means that he wanted African Americans to take more of a ground up approach. That if they as a collective could learn skills and, be a desirable work force they would be respected. This work force would then make enough money that they could buy their own land and create their own businesses. This would give the African American community a foot to stand on when it came to debating issues because they could be able to say look at what as a group African Americans have accomplished. Booker to is quoted saying â€Å"Friction between the races will pass away in proportion as the black man .Show MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast of the Arguments in Huntingtons The Clash of Civilizations and Saids The Clash of Ignorance1158 Words   |  5 PagesSamuel Huntington has made famous his thesis the clash of civilizations, which was developed in his article in Foreign Affairs in 1993 and in the book that followed, in which the author expanded his thesis and reaffirmed the validity of his theory after the success and controversy that followed the publication of his article. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in William...

The Relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in William Shakespeares Play The play begins when Macbeth meets three witches and is given three prophecies - one of which is that he will be king. In Lady Macbeths first scene she is reading a letter from her husband telling her about the witchs predictions. Upon reading the letter she instantly decides to obtain the crown for Macbeth through any possible means. Lady Macbeth is viewed as very controlling, strong, and certain; saying that Macbeth Shalt be what thou art promised? At this early point in the play I think they had a strong relationship and he was very close to his wife as he felt he could confide his news in her. Lady Macbeth also†¦show more content†¦In Act one Scene seven Macbeth cannot decide whether to murder the king or not. He knows that killing Duncan is a horrid deed to do in the eyes of man and in the eyes of God but his ambitions make him want to do it, however, in the end he decides against it. Lady Macbeth who is obviously desperate for her husband to be king then tries various ways to try and persuade him to murder Duncan. The first method of persuasion she uses is asking rhetorical questions like Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself? and Hath it slept since? Hoping to make him feel bad and that he is indecisive for breaking a promise. Her next method of persuasion is making him feel like an un-manly coward by saying Art thou a feared to be the same in thine own act andvalour, as thou art in desire? And When you durst do it you were a man. Shes asking him if he is afraid to do evil and be evil like he is in his dreams and that now he has decided against com mitting murder he is not a man anymore. I think that it would hurt Macbeths pride to be called a coward and un-manly, especially by his wife and would maybe decide to kill the king to prove he was still a man. I think throughout this scene Lady Macbeth is the dominant one of the two because she does nearly all of the talking without letting her husband to retaliate. She almost bullies him intoShow MoreRelatedChanges in Relationships Throughout â€Å"Macbeth† by Shakespeare and â€Å"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof† by Tennessee Williams770 Words   |  3 PagesRelationships between two characters can be determined by how they speak to each other, how they act towards each other or how others speak about them. In the plays â€Å"Macbeth† by Shakespeare and â€Å"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof† by Tennessee Williams there are relationships that change over the course of the plays. In â€Å"Macbeth,† Macbeth himself and Lady Macbeth go through many stages in their relationships through out the play. They later find out that they were never in love through deathRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1243 Words   |  5 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Macbeth†, the author portrays the main character Macbeth as a very tortured and flawed individual whose actions only serve to further unravel him. He is conflicted and power hungry, which drives him to perform evil murders and become a ruthless person. Macbeth’s moral compass is not resilient enough to withstand his wife’s manipulations and he is provoked to act on his malicious thoughts of murder. The author explores the terrible effects that ambition and guilt can haveRead MorePsychoanalytic Ideas And Shakespeare By Inge Wise And Maggie Mills1420 Words   |  6 PagesShakespeare in general are used throughout the book . The authors focus on psychopathic fiction characters in six plays Hamlet, Macbeth, twilight nights, King Lear, and the Tempest. The book when you read the reviews and the induction of the book is very misleading, the book shoul d be called interpretations of other authors who have a written on the psychoanalytic some of Shakespeare s major plays. Whenever Mill and Wise that would give their analysis of what the train meant, to me did not make senseRead MoreMacbeth Historical Context796 Words   |  4 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Macbeth the male characters Macbeth, Macduff, Banquo and Duncan really give you and insight in to the time the play was written. Shakespeare’s Macbeth was written in the Elizabethan era during King James’ reign as King over 400 years ago. King Duncan is introduced to the play in act 1 scene 2. King Duncan is seen as a great, noble, highly thought of King. He is in The Monarch which is the highest in the social order. â€Å"Go pronounce his present death, And with his formerRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Play For King James I, The Tragedy Of Macbeth1200 Words   |  5 Pages In 1606, William Shakespeare wrote a play for King James I, the tragedy of Macbeth. For the last five-hundred years, this highly regarded piece of literature has been studied by countless students and intellectuals. One of the many methods scholars use to interpret a piece of literature is through the feminist perspective. Feminism is defined as the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men (â€Å"Feminism†). Although one can use a feminist lens to interpretRead MoreMachiavelli ´s Principle in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay1648 Words   |  7 PagesTHESIS STATEMENT Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, applies the Machiavellian principles of how princes should properly conduct themselves which is directly applied through Duncan, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and Malcolm. PURPOSE STATMENT Through analytic research, this paper will examine, as well as, compare and contrast the Machiavellian principles to the characters in Macbeth. The focus will include the influence of his principles, how they affect the characters, behaviors, and if they fit the descriptionRead MoreEssay on The Pent-up Guilt in Macbeth1720 Words   |  7 PagesThe Pent-up Guilt in Macbeth      Ã‚  Ã‚   There is hardly any emotion in William Shakespeares tragedy Macbeth that outweighs that of guilt. Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are seriously compromised by the impact of this emotion.    Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare explain how guilt impacts Lady Macbeth:    Having sustained her weaker husband, her own strength gives way; and in sleep, when her will cannot control her thoughts, she is piteouslyRead MoreThe Gender Roles Of William Shakespeare s The Tragedy Of Macbeth 989 Words   |  4 PagesThe gender roles in William Shakespeare’s, The Tragedy of Macbeth are made clear from the very first act. Masculinity is associated with strength, bravery, ruthlessness and apathy while femininity is usually coupled with docility, fragility and reliance. Gender, and the behavior expected from each, is a constant motif that reappears throughout the play. The instances that appear in the play reveal that the characters are expected to act according to their gender and limit their emotions and the wayRead MoreAnalysis Of My Last Duchess By Robert Browning And A Woman s Lover 1712 Words   |  7 Pagessupernatural, reality and appearance, played a role in the way events occurred and how they have affected the marriage between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. This analysis would also study how the author, William Shakespeare, portrayed these themes using language and historical context to affect the opinions of the audience’s perception of the two characters. As Shakespeare’s Macbeth had been written in the past, it would be of great contrast to the two modern poems that would also be analysed. This analysisRead MoreMacbeth And Lady Macbeth By William Shakespeare1343 Words   |  6 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s epic tragedy, Macbeth, the concept of the every blurry line between good and evil is shown through the two main characters, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. This husband and wife duo begins the play as polar opposites. Lady Macbeth’s maliciousness and drive is clear to the audience the first time she steps on stage in Act One Scene Five. She continues on with these same characteristics, yet in the middle of the drama, there is a distinct change in her attitude and overall role as

Questionnaire Free Essays

QUESTIONNAIRE It is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. The questionnaire was invented by Sir Francis Galton. We will write a custom essay sample on Questionnaire or any similar topic only for you Order Now It refers to paper and pencil data gathering method by letting the subject or respondent complete the questionnaire before the researcher or his representative, or it can be mailed Questionnaires have advantages over some other types of surveys in that they are cheap, do not require as much effort from the questioner as verbal or telephone surveys, and often have standardized answers that make it simple to compile data. However, such standardized answers may frustrate users. Questionnaires are also sharply limited by the fact that respondents must be able to read the questions and respond to them. Thus, for some demographic groups conducting a survey by questionnaire may not be practical. Questionnaire is also the most commonly used tool to generate data. Sometimes, it is called the survey form. TYPES A distinction can be made between questionnaires with questions that measure separate variables, and questionnaires with questions that are aggregated into either a scale or index. Questionnaires within the former category are commonly part of surveys, whereas questionnaires in the latter category are commonly part of tests. Questionnaires with questions that measure separate variables could for instance include questions on: * preferences (e. g. political party) * behaviors (e. g. food consumption) * facts (e. g. gender) Questionnaires with questions that are aggregated into either a scale or index include for instance questions that measure: * latent traits (e. g. personality traits such as extroversion) * attitudes (e. . towards immigration) * an index (e. g. Social Economic Status) Question types Usually, a questionnaire consists of a number of questions that the respondent has to answer in a set format. A distinction is made between open-ended and closed-ended questions. An open-ended question asks the respondent to formulate his own answer, whereas a closed-ended question has the respondent pick an answer from a given number of options. The response optio ns for a closed-ended question should be exhaustive and mutually exclusive. Four types of response scales for closed-ended questions are distinguished: * Dichotomous * Nominal-polytomous * Ordinal-polytomous * (Bounded)Continuous A respondent’s answer to an open-ended question is coded into a response scale afterwards. An example of an open-ended question is a question where the testee has to complete a sentence (sentence completion item). What Are the Criteria of a good Questionnaire? 1. The language must be clear. 2. The content of the question must be specific. . The question should show singleness of purpose. 4. The question must be free from assumptions. 5. The question must be free from suggestions. 6. The question should have linguistic completeness and grammatical consistency. Questionnaire administration modes Main modes of questionnaire administration are: * Face-to-face questionnaire administration * Paper-and-pencil questionnaire administration * Computerized questionnaire administration * Adaptive computerized questionnaire administration How to cite Questionnaire, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Violence In Hockey Essays (983 words) - Violence In Sports

Violence In Hockey Violence In Hockey Violence is no stranger to hockey. As if legal body checking and stick checking did not make the sport rough enough, more and more players unleash their rage through extensive violence on the ice. Violence in hockey is what blacklists American players as second class. This is because of the rise of the violence trend throught the eighties and nineties into what is now a bloody and injury filled sport. Violence in hockey is so big that it is even going on trial when, Wayne County (Michigan) begins prosecution of Jesse Boulerice. Boulerice, a Philadelphia Flyers prospect, attacked Andrew Long, a Florida Panthers prospect, by giving him a two handed baseball swing to the face with a hockey stick during an Ontario Hockey League playoff game in April of 1998. (Biggane Brian, Palm Beach Post) And this is only one example of how widespread violence is in hockey. Today, aside from boxing, ice hockey (in North America) is unique among sports in condoning violence. (Bird, Patrick J. Ph.D., Column 460) In fact, violent penalties have doubled in the NHL since 1975. Many coaches and players credit this behavior to the popular myth that the more aggressive team wins. This myth has come about by the aggressive tactics used by coaches in the mid to late eighties. These tactics revolved around disabling the other team by using slightly rougher checks to throw the other player off balance, and have since evolved to the incorporation of hockey and violence. Studies, however, have showed the exact opposite, in terms of violence and wins. Over the course of the past twenty-five years, as we have seen violence double, it has been observed that violent teams tend to lose more than non-violent teams. The facts may point towards non-violence in hockey but it still seems to retain its appeal. There are a high percentage of fans which prefer violence in hockey, and even those who watch hockey purely for the violence. The bottom line is that violence makes for profitable entertainment so it is on the rise. Violence on the ice also brings about the macho appeal which a lot of the players would like to be associated with. Many researchers say that this association stems from little league, where studies show that parents and coaches allow violence. Some people say the worst is yet to come and some people say the sport used to be rougher. Players, such as Joe Kocur, say, it was alot rougher ten years ago (Kupelian, Vartan, The Detroit News). (This may be because of less gear required ten years ago and the less refined referees.) Five of the longest suspensions have been handed out since 1993, and the penalties are only getting rougher. And, more equipment is mandatory as opposed to the helmet optional policy of the eighties. (Kupelian, Vartan, The Detroit News) This shows how officials keep a closer eye on the game and require more protective gear because of rougher conditions. Is there a relationship between violence and winning in hockey? Despite the wide belief that the more aggressive and violent team wins, the exact opposite is true. (Bird, Patrick J. Ph.D., Column 460) In studies conducted by the APA (American Psychological Association), teams with a higher number of fighting penalties tend to be lower in standing than those with less fighting penalties. Teams who rely on finnesse and grace, instead of losing control and causing fights, are teams which usually win.(Dr. Walker, Texas Youth Commission) This explains why European and Russian usually win international hockey games their fighting penalties and violent penalties are much less than in the U.S. A more recent study, conducted by Dr. Walker, violence prevention specialist for Texas' juvenile corrections agency, shows the same results as the A.P.A. study. This study looked at violence in Stanley Cup Championship games and, of all 1,462 recorded penalties of all Stanley Cup games from 1980 to 1997, shows that teams playing with less violence were more likely to win and averaged more than seven more shots on goal per game than teams that played with more violence. Over the course of the seven game series, that would equal out to fifty-three more shots on goal. That is more